Up All Night and Slept All Day

Good… time of existence everyone! I hope you’re all doing well! Guess who made the choice to stay up until 4:30AM and only woke up an hour ago… it was me! I’ve had too much energy at night recently and I don’t know why.

Last night was great, I got to learn how to play Risk and hang out with some of my favorite people, and after I got to spend the rest of my night with my fiancé! I haven’t had an eventful Saturday like that in a very long time, and I loved every second of it.

Now that it’s almost 5PM, I’m starting to realize that I can’t stay up all night, sleep for a couple hours and then be ready to go into the next day anymore. A couple of years ago, I would go for days with only getting maybe 3-4 hours of sleep a night. Even a couple of months ago I was able to. I don’t know if I’m hitting a wall or if my mental state is having this big of an impact, or if it’s as simple as I’m getting older and my body requires more rest. I guess only time will tell!

I do hope you all had a fantastic weekend and have a wonderful week! I will be going live on twitch on Tuesday, Feb 8 at 3PM EST (though we might start a bit earlier) with two new wonderful games! I hope to see you all there!

Keep kicking ass! ♥

The Podcast is Back!

Jan 30, 2022 – How We Got Here w/ Syrup_Boi29

Good morning/afternoon/evening/time of existence! We’re back and ready to attack… well, talk! It’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally back!

In this episode, I was joined by my dear friend, Syrup_Boi29, and we got to share our content creating journeys with all of you! We talked a bit about what got us into streaming, what we do behind the scenes, and how we get through the rough patches and algorithms by having fun and being true to ourselves!

On top of here, you can find this episode over on Spotify, Twitch, and YouTube! If you lovelies have any questions/comments, or have ideas of what we should talk about next, comment down below!

Thank you all for tuning in and continuing to love and support this journey, and I will see all of you soon! Keep kicking ass! ♥

To All the Van Goghs

Hello everyone, I hope you’re doing well. I’m not going to have a long introduction today, just a few sentences before we jump in. Today, we are going to be talking about all of the creative and beautiful minds out there who might not see how bright they truly are.

When I was 14 years old, I started my first blog. My English teacher at the time inspired me to start writing, so the blog was used as a public file for my work. I mostly wrote poems, but tried my hand at monologues, too, and I was so proud of my writing and the little feedback I received that I wanted to be a writer when I grew up. I finally felt like I had something to offer; I was the weird kid in school, and I was constantly bullied, but writing made me feel like I had a place. Sadly, that dream was cut short a year later at a new school with a new English teacher. She made it a point to tell me that my writing (creative and analytical) was subpar, and that I should look to do something more my speed. I stopped truly writing up until 4 years ago when I started this blog.

There are still times when I sit down to write, that I think back to what that English teacher said to me and I will stop writing. The amount of short stories and poems I ended up deleting or throwing out because I thought, “What’s the point?” and “Why bother?”. So many words left unwritten because someone made me feel like they weren’t worth writing. That’s not right. Everyone has a voice. Everyone has something to say and who are we to tell them to be quiet.

I started this blog 4 years ago and since then, I’ve also started a podcast and a stream. I have interacted with many with you, and the outpour of love and support is truly amazing, but the one thing that sticks out is how many of you have faced similar people who told you that you should give up on your dream or to just stop completely because you’re not good enough. Which brings me to the title of this post…

To all the Van Goghs out there: please keep creating. Keep brightening this world with your thoughts and ideas. Throw paint at a wall, draw squiggles all over your clothes, sing, dance, tell jokes, cook, bake, write, perform… just keep going. Don’t let the world go another day without you and your passions, because even if you think no one cares or appreciates your work, I do. Don’t let everyone miss out on your reality because one person told you to stop dreaming.

Happy 2022!

Hello everyone! How have you been? We haven’t spoken since last year (which is my fault, and I’m sorry). I truly hope you’ve all been doing amazing and wonderful things since we last hung out!

I know I didn’t post much last year; 2021 was very trying on my mental and physical health, but I took some time and now we’re back! I have so many things I want to tell all of you, but more importantly, I want to share with you what my new schedule is and what to expect for the rest of January 2022!

So to kick this off, I am now the proud owner of a bullet journal (which I will be giving a tour of at some point). I have made it a personal goal to get my shit together so I can really give my all to Rooplixoo. It has been a little over 4 years since I started this journey, and there’s no way we’re stopping! Since creating my bullet journal yesterday, I’ve been able to set a schedule (which you can see above) that not only works for me, but optimizes my time and energy, allowing me to do what I want and love to do! There was a lot of erasing and moving things around, but I’m finally happy with how it’s set and I’m really looking forward to the upcoming weeks!

Next on the agenda, we are bringing back the podcast! I know I’ve said this before, but last year having a podcast to record and upload every week became extremely overwhelming. So this time around, we are having one episode a month done live on Twitch, then downloaded and posted here, Spotify, and Youtube!

Speaking of Youtube, that’s going to be starting up, too! I have a few video in the works, and I’m hoping to start uploading them by the end of next month! It will mostly be video games, but there will be some art and crafts, vlogs, and other fun things posted there!

Finally, I am doing the Year of Pictures challenge over on Instagram, where I take a photo everyday of 2022! Some of them will be of me, a lot of them will be of my cats!

All in all, I am super excited for 2022! I have a wonderful group of people that have been pushing me to keep going and I can’t thank them enough! I have so many things planned and I can’t wait to share it with all of you! If any of you keep up with everything that’s going on across the platforms, click the links above and make sure to follow so you can be notified whenever something new is going on!

I want to thank you all so much for 4 years of continued support and love! I can’t wait to see where this year takes us! Keep kicking ass and I’ll see you all soon! ♥

Quiet Room, Loud Thoughts

In about 14 hours, I will be going live with my first 24-hour live stream and, unfortunately, I can’t sleep. Part of it is the excitement, but it’s mostly about my past and what brought me to this point. Everything is going great… my business is doing well, I’m in a loving relationship, my future finally isn’t so dull, but I keep looking back to who I was.

I was always the weird kid – I collected pencil tips, had a strong drive to learn and create, and just wanted to have friends. I used to dream about getting my driver’s license and having a wedding at an ice skating rink so I could skate down the aisle, and living in a mansion that had a zoo in the backyard. All of that died when I turned 11 and entered middle school (grades 6, 7, and 8). I missed the memo that Lisa Frank and playing on the swings wasn’t “cool” anymore. I became a target, and it fucking sucked. I’m not going to say I was innocent. I did my best to fight back and take a stance, but due to not being in the right clique, I stayed at the bottom of the food chain and stayed there until I graduated from high school.

There was a time where my mother had to pull me out of school for a week and teach me from home because the bullying and harassment got so bad. I think what hurt the most is that the kids that pushed me down everyday had the nerve to sit with me and cry when we were moving. I wonder if they remember the things they said, and the scars they left. I still get extremely uncomfortable if my ears show, and I cover my mouth when I laugh because of the gap in my teeth. Kids can be downright awful, and it kills me that it’s just getting worse.

I went to a handful of dances, but was never asked to one. I never slow danced with a guy until this year, and it only lasted for a moment. I wanted to dance to 16 Candles on my 16th birthday, but my boyfriend at the time refused. I stopped trying to make my childhood dreams come true after that, because I gave up on them and myself. I felt completely alone and looking back, outside of my family, I was.

Fast forward to now. It’s 2am, I’m 26 and I’m blasting Journey while I get ready for an event that I planned, with my boyfriend sleeping in a call with me. Looking back on everything that has happened, every painful and beautiful milestone, has gotten me to this point and I would do it all again if I had to, but I wish I could go back and tell myself that it would all be okay, and that we made it. It breaks my heart thinking about who I was and what I went through, and not so deep down, I’m still that same, awkward kid who just wants to learn and create, and have fun and do weird dances and to just love myself.

If somehow this blog is magic and can go back to me in 2006, I want me to know that it turns out alright, and to keep dreaming and making art on MS Paint. You’re beautiful and wonderful and a pain in the ass, but the ones you have in your life love you.

For those of you who still look back on your tween and teen years and your heart breaks for your younger self, just know that if you’re reading this, you’ve made it. You beat all odds and you can now stand tall and know that everything is okay. Being an adult sucks, but there’s not enough money in existence to get me to go back to middle/high school.

I love you all. Keep kicking ass. ♥

Spending Time ≠ Spending Money

Yesterday, I was lucky enough to celebrate an anniversary with my best friend. Two years ago, I was in a really rough spot emotionally, and I was losing myself. He dropped everything and flew out here from the other side of the world to make sure I was okay. He was here for 2 weeks, and it was perfect. We were both so excited to finally meet in person after endless skype calls and Minecraft adventures, but we were not ready for what happened – we ended up falling for each other. It was powerful and scary and overwhelming, but so easy and beautiful. At that point, though, we weren’t in positions separately to be together. He went home, and we both went back to our lives. We kept in touch, but it changed. Neither of us knew how the other one felt, and we were too nervous to actually admit our feelings until this year. I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.

With all of that being said, let’s move our attention to the title of this post. Recently, I’ve seen a handful of people in my life talk about how much money was spent, or lack there of, and it’s been really getting to me. My relationship is in the “unique” position of being long distance, so we celebrated our anniversary over Discord. We watched videos and played games, and spent time together. Yes, we exchanged gifts, but they weren’t the focal point. The day was to celebrate our love for each other, and no amount of money or gifts could come close to how special love and time are. When we talk about our wedding, were going to elope and go to dinner. We dream of the days that we can make the bed together, and have picnics on the living room floor, and catch a glimpse of the ISS.

We went over all of our adventures when he was out here, and one of our favorites was when we went into the city and had to go coffee shop hopping because my phone kept dying. We were hopped up on caffeine and it was freezing out, but we people watched and talked and explored each other’s minds. It was honestly a perfect day, and I can’t wait to do it again. We took so many pictures and shared many more laughs, and that’s how the entire trip was. We laughed and explored and were just with each other – and whether or not we realized then that we were falling for each other, we know now and we look back on October 26, 2019 (26 Oct. 2019 for those who don’t use the mm/dd/yyyy) as the day that our hearts became one.

Our dates now are different due to the distance, but we still make it work. We eat together and watch movies on Netflix, and we play games and fall asleep in calls. Yes, we have bought things for each other because we love to give gifts and see the other one light up, but we never expect to get anything. All we want is each other, and that’s how it should be. I’ve been in so many relationships (romantic and platonic) where the others would expect to get gifts or to be paid for, which I don’t mind doing but it just seemed like the physical was more important than the emotional. I am aware that all of this fits into the different love languages, but the foundation of any relationship shouldn’t be it’s monetary value.

Well, that’s all I needed to say. This thought has been rattling around in my brain for a couple of weeks, but it really hit me yesterday and I needed to get it out and written down before I exploded. I hope you all have a wonderful day and are getting hyped for Halloween! I will see you all soon! Keep kicking ass ♥

Busy, Busy Bee

Hello my lovelies! I hope you’ve all been kicking ass! The past few weeks have been hectic but I’m finally finding time to sit down and write (a day late, but what can we do?). Before we get started, I want to thank you all for the continued love, and I hope you all know that I love all of you back! With that being said, let’s dive in!

I feel like I’ve been going non-stop between writing, networking, and creating, that exhaustion has caught up to me and I’ve been going into deep sleep every night, which is honestly great for me. I have everything in place for next month and I am super excited to post the schedule later today/tomorrow! It’s going to be a busy month filled with games, drinks, costumes and so much fun that nothing will top it!

I don’t have much else to cover, but I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday, and I’ll see you all soon!

Paperclip Test

Stream, Podcast, and Blog Schedule for September 2021

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all doing well! A couple of weeks ago, I decided to dive back into everything, and made a new schedule. All streams are on twitch and the podcast will be uploaded here and on Spotify! I am super excited to get back into this, as I hope all of you are, too! We have a busy month ahead of us, so let’s just jump right in!

As the title says, we’re going to be taking the Paperclip Test. A while ago, I had read an article about this guy who conducted an experiment where he asked a bunch of young children to come up with all the uses for a paperclip. They ended up with a ridiculously high number (I believe it was 200 or something), but adults could only come up with 15-20. We lose a lot of our creativity as we grow, due to school and other influences, so today we’re going to see how many uses we can come up with…

  1. Clip papers together
  2. Jewelry (necklaces, bracelets, earrings, pendants, etc.)
  3. To push small reset buttons on toys, remotes, fire alarms, etc.
  4. To clean under your nails
  5. To open sim slot in phones
  6. To make a simple circuit (with some other items)
  7. Hook
  8. Keychain
  9. To tie things together
  10. As a stencil
  11. To help make wing tips
  12. To make sculptures (with or without clay)
  13. Unclog small bottle openings/nozzles
  14. To fling rubber bands
  15. Scrape out tiny spaces
  16. Close bags
  17. Staple remover
  18. To clip zipper-pulls together
  19. Money fold
  20. Hair clip
  21. Clay tools
  22. Roach clip/bowl scraper
  23. Toothpick
  24. Wire organizer (the center of it)
  25. To make dots of glue/paint
  26. Screwdriver
  27. Makeshift button on a shirt
  28. Chains
  29. Hook bra straps together for a razorback
  30. Tiny sundial
  31. Bend it to make a fancy “S”
  32. To pick up beads
  33. A really bad tongue-scraper
  34. To test if a cake is cooked all the way through
  35. Makeshift antenna
  36. Twisty tie
  37. Replacement t-pins
  38. Replacement clothesline clips
  39. Pick a lock
  40. Replacement zipper pull

So I came up with 40 (with some help, of course), which I don’t think is too bad! The whole point of the test is to push yourself to think in a way that you haven’t since you were young, and to push the limits of your imagination! I will continue to try and come up with other uses for not only paperclips but for other objects, as well!

I’m going to wrap it up here, let me know down below if you come up with any other uses for paperclips, or different and creative uses for other items! I love you all so much, and I hope you have a great week! Keep kicking ass and I’ll see you soon!

The Official Return

The Official Return

Get ready everyone! Roo is back and ready to go! It’s been a while… a very long while… but we’re back and better than ever! On June 12 at 12PM EST, I will be going live on twitch (link goes to my channel)! I have a lot I want to do, but I mostly just want to hang out and have a good time with everyone!

I am honestly so excited to get back to my creative side and be able to enjoy life once again. So much has happened since the last time we spoke, and I promise we will talk about it!

This is where I’m going to end the post… make sure to stay tuned for updates and posts, and I will see you all very soon!

I love you all and I hope you’re all doing well!


Hello everyone, I hope you’re doing well! I know it’s been a while, but I have about 4 or 5 drafts that will be posted over the next couple of weeks. I was supposed to stream today, but due to not feeling well, I decided to write about what I was going to talk about on stream.

For those of you who don’t know, MHM (Mental Health Monday) is a segment that I do where I talk about mental health. Topic range from how I cope with certain things in my day-to-day life to how I’ve grown from situations in my past and everything in between. Sometimes I bring others on and we talk about how we’ve managed to navigate life and relationships with the mental cocktails we’ve been given. If you are new to the blog, welcome and enjoy your stay! If you are coming here from the stream, pretend you just listened to ~30 minutes of me singing and playing ukulele! Let’s dive in!

Since I haven’t been feeling well, I figured I would talk about how I deal with being sick while battling my mind. It might not seem like it’s a battle or anything that big, but it’s something I struggle with every time I’m not feeling well physically. When I get sick, whether it’s just a headache or the flu, I get extremely depressed. The way to feel better is to rest and relax, but slowing down to relax gives me too much time to think which makes my anxiety spike, and resting/sleeping too much makes me extremely depressed. I also get the shakes sometimes, which just makes me self-conscious.

Being sick is never fun for anyone… accept for the kids who get away with it and get to stay home from school. Cartoons and games for hours with not a single teacher in sight! It’s what I attempt to recreate. I spend the day in my pajamas, camp out somewhere that isn’t my bed, binge murder documentaries and play games on my phone. I’m still resting, but I’m distracted enough that I won’t fall down a rabbit hole. There are times that this doesn’t work, though, and that’s kind of what I’m dealing with right now.

This weekend was wonderful. It started with getting Vanish (my dad’s cat) to watch for a week, and then I spent the entire weekend with my absolutely wonderful boyfriend (a post about him will be coming out soon). We went out to dinner with my mother Sunday night and it was great. Unfortunately, I got sick on Thursday (food poisoning) so getting through the weekend was difficult. I still ate well, but I was constantly worried that anything I ate would make me feel worse. Thankfully that didn’t happen, but I still felt lousy. I also slept a lot, which isn’t new to me but because I was sleeping to feel better, I got kind of depressed. I was able to navigate my weekend a bit better because I was surrounded by love and laughter the entire time, but it was still an uphill battle with my mind. Even sitting here writing this… I wanted to stream today but didn’t feel well enough to do so, so I decided to write instead. I wanted to get this post out sooner, but now it’s approaching midnight and I’m still typing. I know I’m doing my best and the people who matter know this, too, but I still feel kind of shitty about it.

The one thing that is helping me through this, though, is the fact that I won’t feel like this forever. Will I feel like this again? Most definitely, but hopefully not for a while after this time. I’ve been through a hell of a lot worse and survived, this is just another small bump in the road.

I know this isn’t the typical MHM, but I think it turned out pretty well! My question for all of you is: What makes you feel better when you’re sick? What comfort foods do you eat when you’re under the weather? What movies do you watch when you’re not feeling well?

I hope you all have a wonderful morning/afternoon/night, and I will be back up and running on Thursday (March 18, 2021) at 3PM EST on twitch! If you need a place to hang out, you can find me there or on discord! You are all so wonderful and I love you all!

Stay well, and I’ll see you soon!